I thank our God through Christ,
For every one of you;
And trust you are not enticed,
By worldly things you construe.
News of your faith is spreading,
Throughout the entire world;
To prepare for the wedding,
In the plan being unfurled.
The bride of Christ is the church,
Which is part of the Good News;
Prayer and desire we search,
That we so righteously choose.
If you believe no more gloom,
For the Good News is the Son;
Because Jesus is the groom,
Since victory has been won.
Because God is my witness,
Through every time I pray;
Who gives spiritual fitness,
Since I do trust and obey.
So I want you all to share,
Of this spiritual blessing;
Showing each other we care,
On problems that are pressing.
Let us enjoy the results,
And keep doing our best;
As we endure the insults,
That some others will detest.
I have an obligation,
To those who have not received;
The joy of the salvation,
That we have gladly believed.
Because I am not ashamed,
Of broadcasting the Gospel;
My faith in what is proclaimed,
Must reach all of the people.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer