Are you ready for Jesus’s return or not? You can tell that we are at the end times by the signs we are having. Look at all the calamities in the world today and the changes in the weather.
When Jesus returns in his glory escorted by His angels as seen in Matthew 25: 31-46, will He find you ready as a member of His sheep who really loves and cares for Jesus and His people, or will He find you as a goat and dismiss you from His presence because you are only interested in yourself in your own little world and you don’t love Him and couldn’t care less for Him and His people?
Too many people just think that all they need is faith, but remember that faith without works means nothing and is completely dead as seen in James 2:14-26. When you see a tramp in the street asking for some food or drink, do you simply ignore him as a waste of time and space, or do you feel sorry for him, talk to him and give him something to eat or drink? Do you give money to charities that deal with starving people and those without clean drinking water or do you sponsor a child from The Third World? When you see a stranger coming to your church for the first time do you just ignore him or her and continue talking to your friends, or do you do your best to go up to that person and make him or her feel welcome? When you hear that people in your neighbourhood are suffering from the intense cold and hypothermia, do you do your best to clothe them and give them warm blankets, hot food and drink or do you think that it isn’t your problem and that it is for the local authorities or charities to deal with? When you hear that someone in your neighbourhood, even a friend or relative is sick in hospital, do you visit that person? Do you visit or write to inmates in the local prison who are generally shut up in their cells 23 hours a day, or do you think it isn’t your problem and that you are too busy to give them a bit of your time? Do you do any of these good actions or any others, or you only concerned about yourself and what revolves around your own little world?
No matter how busy you are or not, you have to make time for God because the first Commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and therefore to put God in first place in your life and to spend quality time with God and the second Commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. You therefore need to make time for your neighbour. When the Lord comes back again, he will not accept your excuses for not having done so.
Life has real meaning, when you put God in first place in your life and have a personal intimate relationship with Him and surrender your life completely to him and do everything out of love for him and serve God by helping his people,
When Jesus Christ returns, he will see if you have really loved the poor and marginalized of society and anyone in need. He will see if you really love him because he lives in his people, and we believe that he will say to you on Judgment Day “I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine ( or sisters of mine,) you did it to me.” Find the Bible passag
My people, please wake up, don’t you realize that the Lord is coming back soon to judge the world? This world is dying ever so quickly, because it is totally selfish and doesn’t care anymore! Are you going to be like it, or are you going to be different? Are you going to be imitators of Christ who love God and his people or not?
So my people if you really say that you are a Christian who loves God whom you have not seen, then do you really love your neighbour whom you can see “the least of your brothers and sisters” who are really suffering all around you? See 1 John 4:20 When Jesus Christ the Son of God returns, is he going to find you caring for his people, loving them, and so loving God, or is he going to simply find that you are totally selfish and individualistic, and really couldn’t care less about people in this world? If people really cared, then how comes there are so many suicides in the world today? Isn’t it because people have nobody they can confide in? Jesus needs you to care for others in this world. Are you going to react and do something about it, or are you going to just ignore that the problem truly exists and do nothing about it? If you choose not to do anything about it watch out, you won’t like what will happen to you.
My people please be my sheep ready to welcome my Son Jesus Christ when he returns to judge the world with tremendous love in your hearts for him and your neighbour, and so be welcomed into heavenly joys forever, and please don’t be a goat who is only interested in himself and who doesn’t love me and my people, who will end up eternally miserable.
What are you going to do about the problems of this sad decaying world? You are all responsible for the planet Earth and its people! Make no mistake about it! I don’t want churches that are simply cushy glorified clubs with people who call themselves Christians because they simply get together in church, and as soon as it is all over, they forget about me and my people. I want sincere and radical people who love me and my people and who put my words that I say in the Gospels into practice.
My spiritual army is ready for Jesus’ return. They obey God and not man, and let themselves be completely guided by the Holy Spirit. No human being can manipulate them because they only rely on God and listen to Jesus’ voice. God’s spiritual army obeys my Commandments and wants to do my Will, rather follow their own ways. See John 10:27.
God’s spiritual army have given their lives to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God and the members of it know that their lives no longer belong to them, but only to the Messiah, and they don’t compromise as seen in Matthew 16:25. They let Jesus transform them into new creatures and they love God with all their hearts, and they love their neighbours as themselves. They make no compromises, but they try to do what is right because they adore Jesus, so much so that they don’t want to hurt Him by sinning against him, but constantly ask Jesus to purify them and make them holy and perfect as God is holy and perfect.
Are you completely ready for Jesus Christ’s Return like a bride ready to welcome her bridegroom? Are you a radical member of God’s spiritual army, who is guided by the Holy Spirit and who is trying to make the world a better place?
Written by Dominic and Marie-Helene Bradshaw