As a Christian I have been asked over and over and over for my opinion about the new Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage, and with the exception of a few passive Facebook posts I’ve avoided the hot button issue for one main reason. It. Doesn’t. Matter. But, I’m getting pretty frustrated with the way some Christians are portraying Christ so I grabbed my two cents and decided to jump on the rainbow colored bandwagon.
I don’t care if people who don’t claim to know Christ are sinning because I care about the fact that there are people who claim to be followers of Jesus but are sleeping together outside of marriage. I don’t care if someone who doesn’t love God ignores His teachings. Because I’m a little too busy worrying about the fact that there are people who claim to know and love God but don’t tithe 10%. I really don’t care if 2 people who don’t know what the bible says decide to love each other because I’m a little more concerned with the fact that there are people who say they love God, yet don’t love their gay neighbor.
See here’s the thing. The bible says this:
But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an adulterer, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler– not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.(1 Corinthians 5:11-13)
I just don’t understand why there are Christians who are judging the homosexual outside the church because it “goes against scripture” and yet is still eating and attending church with the dating couple who is sleeping together. Because actually that goes against scripture
The bible tells us that they will know us by our love. Not our judgment. Not our political stance. Not our actions. Our love. For God and for others.
If you’re a christian and you’re getting your panties in a bunch because gay marriage is legal shouldn’t you also be grieving over the fact that idolatry/drunkeness/slander/pride/adultery is legal?
God says that all sin is the same. If you break one commandment you’ve broken them all. Yet we treat the gay community like they are worse than everyone else. We define them as “Sinners” and we mask our disgust for them with annoying cliches like “love the sinner hate the sin” and we throw around words like “truth in love” and “sharing God’s word” But I bet you anything you don’t go up to that guy who got divorced without biblical grounds and give him the scriptures that say he’s wrong and doomed to be single. I’m not sure but if I had to guess you probably aren’t telling that couple living together outside of marriage that they can’t come back to church until they repent and sin no more. So why on earth would you tell the homosexual how God really designed marriage?
We are called to be like Jesus. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He did this by showing them how much he loved them by dying on a cross for them. How are we supposed to save people we won’t touch? Our only mission as followers of Jesus is to see people saved, not prove them wrong.
Inside the church we have marriages failing.
We have people walking away from the truth.
We have adulterers and slanderers and gossips.
We have pride and selfishness.
We have brokenness and depression.
We have drunks.
We have swindlers and people who covet.
We have pastors giving up on their flock.
My point is that we have enough problems to deal with inside the church but you want to make a stink about gay marriage outside the church?
I’m not going to tell unbelievers what I’m against. I’m going to show them Who I’m for. I’m not going to tell them what the bible says about sin, I’m going to show them what it says about the Savior. I hope you’ll put down your cross shaped profile pic filter and join me.