The HumOver the last several months, I have been occasionally hearing this strange hum early in the morning and late at night. Sometimes I wake up and my body feels like it is vibrating. The hum can best be described as a pulsating, rhythmic, low frequency sound that not everyone is able to hear. I first noticed the hum when I woke up from sleeping in our guest bedroom in … [Read more...] about Is the Earth Groaning?
end times
Awake from Your Slumber
Fear The “spirit of fear” has been unleashed in the world. This is evident to most who are paying attention. We've been told to shelter in place, but what we really need to do is shelter under HIS wings. Psalm 91:1-6: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in … [Read more...] about Awake from Your Slumber
Thunder – Concerning World Events
Prophetic Word 11.19.15Anonymous SubmissionSoon ...oh so very soon there will come a great and mighty wind and I will thunder...and you will know that I am God and that I am sovereign. The time is come that many things will pass before your eyes and I shall show you the meaning and the timing of these days. The onslaught planned against My people is unprecedented, yet … [Read more...] about Thunder – Concerning World Events