The HumOver the last several months, I have been occasionally hearing this strange hum early in the morning and late at night. Sometimes I wake up and my body feels like it is vibrating. The hum can best be described as a pulsating, rhythmic, low frequency sound that not everyone is able to hear. I first noticed the hum when I woke up from sleeping in our guest bedroom in … [Read more...] about Is the Earth Groaning?
new sound
Prophetic Worship the New Sound
“Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully (on the strings) with a loud and joyful sound.” (Psalm 33:3) The Word of God speaks of a new sound and a new song that will spring forth from God’s people. It will flow from our spirit like rivers of living water. (John 7:38) This sound is fresh and straight from Heaven, a sound that will vibrate and permeate every fiber of our … [Read more...] about Prophetic Worship the New Sound