The HumOver the last several months, I have been occasionally hearing this strange hum early in the morning and late at night. Sometimes I wake up and my body feels like it is vibrating. The hum can best be described as a pulsating, rhythmic, low frequency sound that not everyone is able to hear. I first noticed the hum when I woke up from sleeping in our guest bedroom in … [Read more...] about Is the Earth Groaning?
By the Field ProphetI recently read a commentary on the "loveless Christian." It struck me to be quite the oxymoron, the 'loveless Christian', wouldn't you say? It brought to light the importance of our only real commission: to know Jesus deeper and to love one another. The 'loveless Christian' is a real thing. Ultimately, it is the result of a heart condition.Proverbs … [Read more...] about ALLOWING THE GIFT TO FLOW THROUGH THE GIVER
The Battle is the Lord’s
Entering His Rest by Standing on His PromisesOccupyThe Bible commands us to stand and occupy the land until Jesus comes again. (Luke 19:13) Everywhere our feet trod, we shall possess the land. (Joshua 1:3) He is our portion and He is our commander. Jesus stripped the enemy of all power and authority. The Lord in turn gave those who believe in Him all power and authority … [Read more...] about The Battle is the Lord’s
A Calling to the Prophets – “Come Out”! – Concerning World Events
By Field ProphetSpeak Prophet...Speak!Come! Come! Come! Oh prophets of God!I call you down from the mountains, up from the valley’s. From the rivers and fields have you resided.Gather!... those of you who guard the coastlines, Hear Me!Hidden among the beasts, I call you now!Come!Speak my Word with boldness – for it shall sustain you.Fret not for … [Read more...] about A Calling to the Prophets – “Come Out”! – Concerning World Events
Corporate Word for America
This prophetic word came across my desk today and was given by: Anonymous Field ProphetJuly 8, 2016As fear, chaos and deception attempt to hijack America. The Lord spoke this Word. Test it. I believe its truth resonates.Thank You FatherSpeak Prophet...Speak!Do not be surprised at the quickness that has brought forth this time.For I have spoken upon it in … [Read more...] about Corporate Word for America