The husband, the wife, the children and the Christ at the centre constitute the family of God. The family is like a triangle. As long as the interplay of forces within the triangle is full of elasticity and completely in accord with the will of God, the family will be a family of joy and happiness in perfect unity. Love and forgiveness are the most integral parts of the family. But when love dies out completely, the angles of the triangle are loosed and inferred, the sides begin to fall one by one. And it is no more a triangle. Thus the home is completely broken. But it is the forgiveness again that joins the broken sticks together . The three sides of the triangle represents the three kinds of relationship in between. They are-
(i) Husband and wife,
(ii) Mother and children,
(iii) Father and children.
The following are the biblical principles and laws that will keep the family a joyful family and a successful family of God.
(i) Husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it. Eph 5:22
(ii) Wives should submit themselves to their husbands as unto the Lord. Eph 5:21
(iii) Husbands and wives should submit themselves to one another in the fear of the Lord. Eph 5:22
(iv) Children should obey and honor their parents. Eph 6:1-2; Prov 23:22
(v) Parents should train up the children in the way they should go. Prov 22:6
(vi) As the temple of God and as the centre of divine worship, the family should pray together , study the word of God together, go to church and worship together, work together , play together etc. in perfect harmony in accordance with the will of God.
The world we live in today is perhaps the most critical one where moral decadence is increasing day by day. Many homes are built but marred half way due to the lack of proper foundation and shape. In fact, a constant erosion has taken place in the moral landscape. The Bible also rightly says,
“There will be terrible times in the last days . People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.” ITim 3:1-5
In such a juncture, the family of God has a wonderful role to play. A Christian home must be able to reflect the Shekianah Glory of God and contribute in building up of a clean society. A family without God is spiritually dead. Peace is impossible in a Godless family. Peace and fulfillment of life is only possible in a family where Christ rules within like a Kingly prerogative.
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Author: Dr. Surya kumar Daimari