It would not do you any good,
If I came to you starting to speak;
In a language not understood,
Or if your fluency was weak.
Unless I had explained to you,
Revelation and prophecy;
Knowledge be able to construe,
With a doctrine that you could see.
The flute and harp produce a sound,
If no difference in the tune;
How a person tells what is found,
For making the heart want to swoon.
If the siren did not sound clear,
Who would be preparing for war?
Until it was too late to fear;
And the enemy stormed the shore.
So if you do not ever speak,
In a way to be understood;
How can someone know how to seek,
For the salvation as they should.
How will someone know what you say,
Since you are talking to thin air;
And you only spread shades of gray,
On what you are trying to share.
In spite of many languages,
That are spoken here on the earth,
Not one has disadvantages,
Being without meaning or worth.
As a foreigner in this land,
I still have means to communicate;
For the gift of love where I stand,
Will be able to compensate.
For it is a breath of Heaven,
Having hearts fragrant with a love;
Through the compassion as given,
From our dear Lord up above.
So speak to our Lord in prayer,
Ask for an interpretation;
And the Lord is willing to share,
In explaining his salutation.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer