I know that the standards of God,
Spiritually honor and laud;
In everything that you do,
Through action and what you construe.
But I have a corrupt nature,
Stops me being a new creature;
I am sold as a slave to sin,
With no spiritual discipline.
One thing that I will tell you true,
I am not knowing, what I do;
Like instinct, emotional state,
But what I do I really hate.
I am not sure on what to do,
The standards of God I construe;
I agree that His standards are good.
Many things to do that I should.
So I try not to do what I hate,
And no longer have a sealed fate;
Even though sin lives within me,
And desire for it to flee.
I know nothing good lives in me,
Nothing good to any degree;
And nothing good ever survives,
Anyplace where the darkness thrives.
I have desire to do right,
As to enter into the light;
But temptations have made me weak,
And continued darkness I seek.
But God has sent His angels here,
And now they will be always near;
To help battle the standards war,
Attempting me to sin no more.
No longer shall I be uncouth,
Because I discovered the truth;
I see a different standard,
As it is written in His Word.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer