Never enter His place of rest,
Unless you have alter your ways;
When someone ignores His request,
Desires continue as one strays.
Some people will enter that place,
Those who have heard of the Gospel;
Confession will bring them His grace,
Each time they enter His temple.
In the past they could never go,
Because they never did obey;
Since Jesus they never did know,
For they would rather go astray.
So God has set another day,
And today just happens to be;
Confessing to God as you pray,
From sinfulness you can break free.
Then feel free to worship and praise,
And if you hear God respond back;
You have broken out of the maze,
He will reward you what you lack.
Do not be stubborn or perverse,
Time to rest and worship exists;
Your relationship can be worse,
If any arrogance persists.
We must make every effort,
For entering His place of rest;
Where the Lord gives peace and comfort,
Since God knows we did our best.
This place is not a mystery,
Never to be confused or lost;
As written throughout history,
If you have accepted the cost.
For the Word of God is living,
And sharper than a two-edge sword;
Cuts deep but can be forgiving,
If accepting Jesus as Lord.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer