I ask you to show,
The way that things flow,
Coming from action.
Action from leaders,
Who work among you;
Instruction feeders.
Who teach what is true.
I ask to love them,
Think very highly;
And never condemn,
Faults that are likely.
Always live in peace,
With one another;
So ill will does cease,
Onto each other.
I encourage you,
To use your insight;
To instruct those who,
Are not living right.
Cheer up anyone,
Who is discouraged;
Show what can be done,
And be encouraged.
Help those that are weak,
Be patient and kind;
Guide for what they seek,
In easing their mind.
Pay backs are just wrong,
So do what is good;
Torment will prolong,
Not done as it should.
Always be joyful,
Pray without ceasing;
Be caring but cool,
Do what is pleasing.
Put not out fires,
What God has revealed;
Do what inspires,
So scars can be healed.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer