Speak the truth to one another,
Putting away falsehood of lies;
Try not to deceive your brother,
Spoken by words that you disguise.
Be angry without the sinning,
Never anger going to bed;
Because it keeps you from winning,
And not a restful sleep instead.
These things will only give a chance,
For Satan in taking control;
Letting him to quickly advance,
Setting up camp within your soul.
Thieves must quit and no longer steal,
Finding a good job for their hands;
That gives an overflowing zeal,
Success in what each day demands.
Say nothing to other people,
That would be causing harm to them;
Your words should reflect the Gospel,
And never judging to condemn.
Speak only that which would be good,
Render words of encouragement;
By suggesting on what they should,
Rather than of discouragement.
What would you say to those who hear?
To help those who have gone astray;
Remember that God will be near,
For helping them, while you pray.
Never give the Holy Spirit,
Any reason to be upset;
With the action of you merit,
Or spoken that you will regret.
He has placed upon you a seal,
For the day that you are set free;
From the world of sin as you feel,
Giving you a new liberty.
Get rid of bitterness and hate,
Be kind with a good-hearted ear;
Do not let anger seal your fate,
But sympathetic and sincere.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer