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The Word of God says…
“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7).
Today, one of the biggest issue that the modern age faces is anxiety, which is the root cause for the major challenges we see today. But the good news is, there is hope.
The problem in today’s society is that there are not many people or things you can rely on for long, in a fast changing fabric of the social ecosystem. People are becoming more are more lonely (in-spite of the fact that social media was supposed to bring people closer), and the anxiety levels are continuing to increase.
As a result, people are becoming more selfish, self centered, and shrinking their inner circles (although their social media circles may be expanding and have thousands of people in them). Hate crime, addictions, disrespect and disregard for parents and parental advice, matrimonial in-harmony, child abuse, and a drive to accept the unnatural and un-Godly ways of life is becoming the norm.
But people are overlooking the root cause of all of this and are continuing to spiral towards a dangerous tangent which can only lead to destruction.
Peace of God
The Bible says in Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
So what we need is the peace of God, which can transcend all human understanding, and help guard us from going into a state of anxiety which is the root cause of many issues today.
The Word of God says Cast all you anxiety upon the Lord, the stress is on the word “all”, it is sometimes very hard cast all our burdens, when we look at our problems, and the long string of reasons why it may not be “possible”.
Nothing is too hard for God
But be reminded, and encouraged that…”Nothing is too hard for the Lord”…
“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” – Jeremiah 32:27
Learning to “cast all our anxiety” upon him, can be one of the key success factors in a Christian’s life.
We are many times OK to cast some of our anxieties, things that we think are possible. Because we filter the problems and challenges with our “human minds” and allow those our minds approve of as “possible” and cast only those unto the Lord. And we continue to carry the remaining, those which seems to be very tough to solve and we continue to be burdened by those. And this is the reason why you continue to be anxious, even though you may know God.
Now for someone who does not know God, there is nothing much to find comfort in, and anxieties consume them, and encompass their personal and social life. But there is hope for you … believe in God; the complexity of your body did not just happen by accident, you are an amazing creation- created by God. He loves you and desires the best for you.
You are God’s handiwork
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Let’s change our perspectives and allow the supernatural power of God to work and let us CAST ALL our anxieties on the Lord, and experience an elevated experience in God in our lives.
If you are burdened by anxiety, please pray this prayer with me…
O Lord my God, I know that I am your handiwork, created by your hands to good work which you have prepared for me in advance. I also understand that your are great, you are all powerful, omnipotent, supernatural and yet your grace is available to me. I know that nothing is too hard for you, and all my burdens, and my anxieties I can cast upon you because you died on the cross for my sins and my anxieties, so that I could be healed & redeemed and your peace may rule over my anxieties and help me lead a wonderful life in you.
Thank You Lord for you are there for me, I am not alone, and you answer my prayers.