Never enter His place of rest, Unless you have alter your ways; When someone ignores His request, Desires continue as one strays.Some people will enter that place, Those who have heard of the Gospel; Confession will bring them His grace, Each time they enter His temple.In the past they could never go, Because they never did obey; Since Jesus they never did … [Read more...] about Mystery
Intimate Details
The Lord has examined me, He knows and able to see; Everything that I do, And if I am telling true.The Lord knows when I sit down, When I smile or with frown; When I get up from the bed, When my stomach has been fed.He can read every thought, Anything that I have fraught; He watches from far away, Ensuring that I do not stray.He watches both day and … [Read more...] about Intimate Details
Approaching God
If you had given people rest, God would not have spoken today; About how you should do your best, In learning how never to stray.So you have a time for worship, As well as a time to have rest; A time for to sleep and wake up, For looking and feeling your best.Anyone who entered His place, Has also rested from their tasks; Because of God has shed His … [Read more...] about Approaching God
Approach God
You get rid of a dream, At the time you wake up; Though as real as to seem, As coffee in your cup.To get rid of the thought, Ask the Lord when you wake; In your prayer as you sought, As to never forsake.Bitterness fills the heart, Your mind seized with envy; Overnight you impart, Evil dreams to enjoy.Immoral and stupid, You did not understand; Things that … [Read more...] about Approach God
A Forgiving Jesus
What shall we ever say? Should we proceed to sin? Nonsense if we obey, Never let Satan win.Sin has caused us to die, Under its influence; When we cheat, steal and lie, We drop our defense.Do you not know that all, Were baptized into Christ; Into His death to fall, No longer be enticed.As baptized in His death, We were placed in His tomb; Then given a new … [Read more...] about A Forgiving Jesus