What good does it do, If faith someone claims; Could never be true, As someone proclaims.Can this faith save him? Needing clothes or food; Feeling weak and grim, Is normally rude.Say, God be with you, Give enough to eat; Clothes to help him through, And shoes for his feet.Faith alone is dead, Without some good things; Change his mood instead The feelings … [Read more...] about Action Faith
Unfinished Works
I know the spiritual standards, But I have a corrupt nature; Sin causes me to be backwards, Instead of as a new creature.I am sold as a slave to sin, Not realizing in what I do; So how will I ever begin, Changing the ways that I construe.I do not what I desire, Rather am doing what I hate; As to what God does require, That just might be sealing my fate.For … [Read more...] about Unfinished Works
If any of you have trouble, You must pray with all of your heart; God will pull you from the rubble. So that the trouble will depart.If you are happy, sing a song, Pray to thank God everlasting; Praise the Lord all day and night long, Through your worship and your fasting.If you are sick, call church leaders, Have them anoint you with oil; Allow them to be the … [Read more...] about Prayers
Wake up and clothe yourself with strength, So put on your beautiful clothes; And you can persevere the length, With perfume that smells like a rose.The godless and evil people, Will no longer come up to you; They will not enter the temple, The Scriptures they do not construe.Shake the dust off caked on your shoes, Break free from chains around the neck; For it … [Read more...] about Awake
A Love Letter
Never be afraid, God has reclaimed you; And He renders aid, For helping you through.God called you by name, As being His own; Forgiving your shame, You are not alone.Going through the sea, The Lord is with you; As safe as can be, For to continue.Going through rivers, Not be swept away; Stopping cold shivers, That you cause to stray.Walking through … [Read more...] about A Love Letter