What good does it do,
If faith someone claims;
Could never be true,
As someone proclaims.
Can this faith save him?
Needing clothes or food;
Feeling weak and grim,
Is normally rude.
Say, God be with you,
Give enough to eat;
Clothes to help him through,
And shoes for his feet.
Faith alone is dead,
Without some good things;
Change his mood instead
The feelings it brings.
You might do good deeds,
Show me from your heart;
If you pulled the weeds,
Show me faith impart.
The faith that I show,
Believing in God;
One true God I know,
To honor and laud.
Have you to be shown,
Just faith does nothing;
Not honor the throne,
Where He sits as King.
You honor to serve,
Christ was sacrificed;
Though we not deserve,
For we get enticed.
Someone to receive,
Approval from God;
Then he must believe,
Give honor and laud.
If you stop breathing,
Your body is dead;
You are receiving,
Eternal instead.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer