This message we heard from Christ,
And are reporting to you;
No longer become enticed,
By temptations that pursue.
Because God is perfect light,
There is no darkness within;
Because He is pure and bright,
Since He is not filled with sin.
If we say we have kinship,
And yet we live in the dark;
We have no relationship,
With God we do not embark.
We are lying to others,
And to yourself as untrue;
To your sisters and brothers,
The darkness where you pursue.
But if we live in the light,
In the same way as the Lord;
Then glory shines on you bright,
By living in one accord.
We have a relationship,
With the Lord and each other;
The blood brings companionship,
For loving one another.
The blood of Christ cleanses sin,
And His Spirit purifies;
Where we are corrupted in,
From all of the cheats and lies.
If we say we have no sin,
Ourselves that we deceive;
And we have no discipline,
And do not truly believe.
But if we truly confess,
Then God is faithful and just;
To forgive as well as bless,
When you have given your trust.
If we say we never sinned,
Then we make God a liar;
And we are not disciplined,
Not as God does desire.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer