Do not become preoccupied,
You know evildoers have lied;
Do not envy the wicked things,
There is no enjoyment it brings.
They will quickly dry up like grass,
Evaporate just like a gas;
Wither away like plants of green,
Then turning brown like you have seen.
Trust in the Lord and do good things,
And watch all the blessings it brings;
Practice as faithful in the land,
Firmly planted right where you stand.
Always be happy in the Lord,
Show that He is loved and adored;
He gives desires of the heart,
Through His Word that you would impart.
Entrust your ways onto the Lord,
Never letting His Word be ignored;
He will act on your benefit,
Trusting in Him through your merit.
He will make your righteousness shine,
Warmth from a light tickles the spine;
Your just cause like the noonday sun,
Comforted by the Anointed One.
Surrender yourself to the Lord,
Let not His calling be ignored;
As long as you trust and obey,
For you will succeed in His way.
Let go of anger, leave behind,
No more rage so always be kind;
It would only lead to evil,
Under control of the devil.
For evil doers shall be cut,
The door to Heaven will be shut;
Locking them from eternal hope,
To slip and slide the downward slope.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer