If you want to set your heart right, Then pray and confess to the Lord; Showing regret within His sight, And the Lord will not be ignored.If you are holding on to sin, Then put it very far away; Let not injustice taint within, That would cause you to go astray.Then you can be showing your face, Without feeling being ashamed; Rather secure without … [Read more...] about Human Sufficiency
Christian Theology
Behind the Scenes
The message is true of a war, From insight during a vision; In a nation away so far, Having political division.During those days I mourned for weeks, I did not eat good tasting food; For the controversy of leaks, As both parties were acting rude.No meat or wine passed through my lips, I did not wash myself for a week; Merely water taken as sips, While I … [Read more...] about Behind the Scenes
The Invitation
Come to the water if you thirst, This water is for the living; Come as to be one of the first, Because the Lord is forgiving.Come in getting something to eat, Even if you have no money; The Lord will be washing your feet, Before you taste milk and honey.Why spend money when it is free, You do not have to pay for wine; Nourish yourself with what you … [Read more...] about The Invitation
The Terror
As for what people should know, What it means to fear the Lord; Of the wrath that He could show, It should never be ignored.We try to persuade others, For God does know what we are; Amongst the sisters and brothers, He should see a shining star.I am not trying to show, Qualifications again; Since you should already know, How my faith and trust has been.I am … [Read more...] about The Terror
O Christ
On that day this song will be sung, Out through the mouth it will be flung; Fortified walls of the city, Made it safe and looking pretty.Open the gates let the righteous in, The faithful which are free from sin; Those keeping faith will be allowed, The Lord has already endowed.With perfect peace you will protect, Those whose minds others will reject; Because … [Read more...] about O Christ