You will live in Zion, And not cry anymore; Sleeping with a lion, No longer does he roar.The Lord will have pity, When you have cried for aid; In the hostile city, Because you were afraid.As soon as God heard you, He had answered your call; For you are pure and true, Too precious for to fall.The Lord may give trouble, But no longer concealed; He comes on … [Read more...] about Alarm Sounding
Not Me
The end is very near, Practice self-control; God who you revere, Protecting your soul.The end is at hand, So keep your mind clear; Obey His command, His Word that you hear.The end will be nigh, If you not obey; You will start to cry, For going astray.Love one another, For love covers sin; Helping each other, The way to begin.Please keep your mind … [Read more...] about Not Me
Free Will
Free Will "You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". (Gen. 2:17) Man has always had the free will to choose right from wrong. When God told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17), Adam had the freedom to choose whether or not to obey and we know the result. Some say that free will ended when Adam sinned but the … [Read more...] about Free Will
Volume Control
You all must live in harmony, Be benign and love each other; It will control the agony, Between sister and brother.Have compassion and be humble, Pay not back others with evil; Avoid arguments or grumble, Which brings joy unto the devil.Ridicule not that insult you, Rather bless them for what they say; They have a right what they construe, Through the facts … [Read more...] about Volume Control
Powerful Simple Words
I will always remind you, In remembrance of the things; Being well grounded as true, That the Lord constantly brings.As long as I am alive, And I think that it is right; Knowing that Christ will arrive, Just like a thief in the night.So refresh your memory, Stirring up what you should know; As who is your enemy, And the direction to go.I know that I will … [Read more...] about Powerful Simple Words