You will live in Zion,
And not cry anymore;
Sleeping with a lion,
No longer does he roar.
The Lord will have pity,
When you have cried for aid;
In the hostile city,
Because you were afraid.
As soon as God heard you,
He had answered your call;
For you are pure and true,
Too precious for to fall.
The Lord may give trouble,
But no longer concealed;
He comes on the double,
For His Word is revealed.
You will see your teacher,
Seeing with your own eyes;
Beholding each feature,
Without any disguise.
You will hear a voice say,
Follow along the path;
For this will be the way,
In avoiding the wrath.
The Lord will give you rain,
For the seed that you sow;
To harvest ample grain,
Richly nourished to grow.
The oxen and the sheep,
Eat the mixture prepared;
And comfortably sleep,
In the barn that is shared.
When the light of the moon,
Will be bright as the sun;
Jesus will return soon,
Then healing has begun.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer