We all must live in harmony,
Passionately love each other;
And never causing agony,
Sympathize with one another.
Be humble and pay not back,
Any evil for wicked ways;
Ridicule not for what they lack,
Of anyone who disobeys.
Rather go and bless them instead,
For you were called to inherit;
Do not argue on what is said,
Reacting with godly merit.
Those who want to live a full life,
While enjoying the good days;
Must keep their tongues from talking strife,
Which would complicate as one strays.
Tongues that would say evil things,
Causes lips to be deceitful;
From the heart that corruption brings,
Which would make you disrespectful.
You must turn away and do good,
As you seek peace and pursue it;
And start doing as what you should,
And be able to inherit.
The eyes of the Lord are on those,
And by what He hears in your prayer;
To do the things that He approves,
Having a willingness to share.
Who would ever try to harm you,
When devoted to what is good;
Always remain faithful and true,
For doing just as the Lord would.
Dedicate your life to the Lord,
Always by ready as to defend;
Never letting it be ignored,
Jesus Christ as being your friend.
Always retain your confidence,
When you explain please show respect;
Make gentleness as your defense,
Their views and ideas not reject.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer