Everyone should be quick,
To listen and slow to speak;
Your anger just makes me sick,
With not knowing what you seek.
An angry man does not do,
What the Lord does approve of;
Start thinking of what is true,
Stop hating and think of love.
Get rid of the wicked things,
And immoral behavior;
Rather think of what God brings,
Through goodness of a Savior.
Humbly accept the results,
That the Word of God has given;
Instead of throwing insults,
Stop blasphemy of Heaven.
Be ye doers of the Word,
Rather than to merely hear;
Perform in what you have heard,
With peace of mind as you fear.
If you listen to His Word,
But not doing what it states;
Then your outlook will be blurred,
Tempted by the wicked baits.
As a doer God gives grace,
And sees Christ in the mirror;
His glory glows in your face,
Being more than a hearer.
Look into the perfect Law,
The teachings will make you free;
No longer having a flaw,
As flawless as one can be.
Blessings to those committed,
Not just to hear but to do;
And they will be acquitted,
If their faith will remain true.
Remain pure and be unstained,
Helping orphans and widows,
Spreading the Word as obtained,
Spreading love as their faith grows.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer