Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. They distrusted God, disobeyed him and wanted to be like Him. Afterwards Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent, but Adam even blamed God telling him that it was the fault of the woman He gave him. They blamed others, but not themselves. See Genesis Chapter 3.
We all blame Adam and Eve for what they have done, yet when we are tempted to sin, are we not in the same situation as Adam and Eve? They listened to the devil, rather than God. Who do we listen to when we are tempted to sin? Do we listen to the evil one who stirs in our hearts a longing to do what is wrong and disobey God, or do we turn to Jesus Christ and plead for his help and say “Jesus Christ please help me to resist temptation”. It is only when we call Jesus for help and then we decide to trust in Him to put us on the right road and help us with our weaknesses that we don’t go the same way as Adam and Eve.
When we have an argument with someone, don’t we behave like Adam and Eve and believe that we are right, and blame the other person? Is that what Jesus wants us to do, or should we be humble and ask Jesus Christ “was I in the wrong, please let me know Lord”. It is only when we do that and refuse to harbour self-righteousness, grudges, resentment and anger towards another person, but allow Jesus to help us and fill us with His love, forgiveness, mercy and peace that we allow Jesus Christ to be victorious in our body, and then He is able to help us to take a different path than Adam and Eve. When we question whether we were right or wrong in a situation, it leads to repentance if we realize that we have been wrong and have a reconciliation with the person we have hurt. Perhaps the outcome of Adam and Eve’s disobedience would have been different if they had admitted their guilt and repented, rather than being proud and refusing to admit that they were wrong.
When you are tempted to sin ask yourself “whose voice do I listen to?” Once you realize that everything negative and destructive comes from the devil and all that is positive comes from God, then you will be able to be listen to Jesus Christ, and be transformed into his image and likeness. For Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and the Holy Spirit will lead you into the truth in all things. It is then that you will be able to pass through the narrow gate. See
Matthew 7:13 (KJV) 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there.
Remember that Jesus paid such a high price for our sins and that God hates sin, and when we sin we hurt Jesus and do so even more when it is deliberate. . Not only do we hurt Jesus Christ, but if we do a deliberate sin we are no longer in Jesus Christ because it is only when we are in Him that we are drawn away from sin.
Decide to only follow Jesus Christ’s voice out of love for Him and not fear. If you have a personal intimate relationship with the Lord and are close to Him, then no one will be able to come between you and Jesus Christ
Written by Marie-Helene and Dominic Bradshaw.
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