You are a building of God,
A skilled and expert builder;
That all the angels applaud,
And once would He bewilder.
I used the gift God gave me,
For laying the foundation;
He gave me insight to see,
How for seeking salvation.
Someone else will build on it,
Each person must be careful;
Having based on their merit,
Continuing to be faithful.
No one can lay another,
Than what already is laid;
For when you help your brother,
You give him spiritual aid.
We build upon Jesus Christ,
A foundation with silver;
Precious stones that has enticed,
And gold that one would favor.
The day will make what each one,
In sight since fire reveals;
The purity of the Son,
That the Book of Life conceals.
The fire will determine,
The kind of work that was done,
Including any vermin,
Showing the sinful burden.
If what someone builds survives,
He will receive a reward;
And his spiritually thrives,
As he is praising the Lord.
If his work has become burned,
He will then suffer the loss;
But will be saved that he earned,
Recovering from the cross.
You are a temple of God,
And His Spirit lives in you;
Any destruction when flawed,
Confession will revalue.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer