The kingdom of God is a very deep topic which is not much preached and taught compared to many other topics in Christian world today. But if you go back to the Bible the good news of Lord Jesus Christ was fundamentally about the kingdom of God, re-establishing the kingdom of God, and redeeming humanity back from the lost eternity into becoming citizens of the kingdom.
Let’s start with the verse Matthew 6:33, which says..
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Seeking his kingdom was the “first” thing Jesus Christ wanted everyone who follows him to do. That is the reason why it is so important to understand what the Kingdom of God so we can immerse ourselves in the true experience of being its citizens, and not…”members”.
The best method Jesus used to introduce a very complex subject in a very simple manner was through parables, human brain is wired to pay attention to stories and that creates an easy path to convey complex points. You can see that in the many parables in the Bible.
Now let’s go back to creation ..Adam and Eve. He created them and here is what he expected them to do, as it says in Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
God had created man to have “dominion” – means to rule over the earth, or the eternal garden of Eden he had created for them to live and enjoy for ever. But due to their disobedience and sin they lost that kingdom, and Jesus Christ the one in Trinity came to this world to become a living sacrifice on the cross and to “redeem” and “restore” the eternal Kingdom of God for mankind.
Lets look at the six attributes of a kingdom:
1. A Ruler or King
Every kingdom should have a king or ruler, and the King of this eternal kingdom is our Lord God Jesus Christ. His kingdom will never pass. He is a the righteous King, and a merciful King who cares for us. He gave his own life for us. No other religion in this world has a leader who gave his life for his people.
2. Citizens
Every kingdom should have citizens, the citizens of this eternal kingdom are those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and God. You gain this citizenship the moment you do that and become the citizens of the eternal kingdom. In the book of Ephesians Apostle Pauls says ” so we are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens“
3. Expectations
Every citizen is expected to obey the laws of the kingdom, and portray the characters of the Kingdom. Like every Roman would be expected to uphold the Roman empire, respect and obey the laws, and show himself as a Roman where ever he/she goes. Anyone could easily say they were a Roman citizen.
A citizen is also expected to display or exhibit the characters of the kingdom, Jesus wanted us to “Love our neighbors as ourselves” – yes it can be tough but that is the expectations if we call our selves Christians and hence citizens of his kingdom.
Our king also expects you to attract those who are not citizens of the kingdom so they can see, learn and become citizens by the qualities you exhibit. People should be “drawn” towards this amazing eternal kingdom because they see a brightness in our lives, even though we may be going through many troubles from worldly perspective. Hence he gave us the great commission which is applicable to all the citizens of his kingdom. “to share the good news about this kingdom and …to make disciples or citizens ”
So dear friend, if you are a citizen of the eternal kingdom ….Live like a citizen and not like a member.
4. Authority
Every citizen has certain level of authority, because of them being citizens [not members] and this authority is something we need to use when we face situations, or circumstances which may be beyond our abilities to resolve.
Authority is given to someone by someone who is higher in authority. God has given us the authority by the authority he has, it says the word “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”.
The book of Luke says “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you”
Are you using this authority?
5. Power
Power is something that comes as a result of you being granted authority. The power to do something derives its strength from the authority that has been given to you. In the book of Peter, Apostle Paul says “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness”
6. Protection
Another great thing about being part of a kingdom is that you have protection if and when you need. If you are a citizen of the eternal Kingdom of God, you have the ultimate “protection” that anyone can get in this world and beyond. Trust in his greatness, his power, and be strong… for he will be with you for ever an he will protect you. The book of 1 John Apostle Paul says “…but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.”
And if you haven’t had the opportunity to experience the Love of Lord Jesus Christ, and become part of this amazing kingdom where love, peace and hope prevails…you can pray with me…
Dear Lord Jesus,
I understand that I am a sinner, I also understand that you loved me and gave your life on the cross for my sins and my redemption to restore the kingdom for me. Today I would like to accept you as my personal savior in my life. And I would like to live a life according to the expectation of me as a citizen of your kingdom. Bless me Lord Jesus, come into my heart and I thank you for accepting me as the citizen of your kingdom. And I will obey the laws of your kingdom and be a good citizen all the days of my life.
If you prayed this prayer, we would be very glad to hear from you, pl. send us a not through this contact form so we can pray for you. Click HERE to let us know.