Do you have faith in the Lord?
With love for all His people;
Showing how He is adored,
And knowledge of the Gospel.
I never stop thanking God,
For all of which He has done;
Giving Him honor and laud,
The Father giving His Son.
I remember in my prayer,
Thanking the Father for you;
Everything that we share,
And all the things that you do.
I pray that our Father,
The God of our Savior;
Gave His Son as a Brother,
Looks upon us with favor.
I pray He gives you spirit,
Of a revealing wisdom;
To know Christ in your merit,
For entering His Kingdom.
Then you will have the insight,
Knowing with the confidence;
Having a faith glowing bright,
In setting your precedence.
You will have glorious wealth,
In what you will inherit;
An improvement in your health,
Purged by the Holy Spirit.
You will know His blessedness,
Through compassion that towers;
And unlimited greatness,
Comes from His awesome powers.
That same power works through Christ,
When He was brought back to life;
And you will not be enticed,
Snarled in the toils and strife.
We preach Christ as as crucified,
A stumbling block for the Jew;
Though through God is satisfied,
Giving salvation to you.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer