I hope that the Lord Jesus Christ,
Sends me some encouraging news;
Of the time that I sacrificed,
Being used for fitting His views.
My interest in your welfare,
Since I have no self interest;
So I remember in each prayer,
Of all the time that I invest.
I hope that I am able to go,
To see how things are turning out;
With the confidence I can show,
What Christ Jesus is all about.
For He is such a faithful friend,
Representing the help I need;
And He will be there till the end,
In order for us to succeed.
I have been longing to see you,
But am troubled for feeling sick;
Sicker that than I ever knew,
But I did get well very quick.
But the Lord had mercy on me,
As He cured me from the sorrow;
Getting better so that I see,
A new glorious tomorrow.
I am especially eager,
For coming to see you again;
During times when life seem meager,
Reminisce of how things had been.
Such a joy with feeling relieved,
Giving you a Christian welcome;
Joyful on that you still believed,
Cured you from being deaf and dumb.
I risked my life and nearly died,
In the service of Jesus Christ;
That is because I never lied,
The reason He was sacrificed.
So I hope I come soon to you,
That I may give you good comfort;
In everything that you do,
Rewarding you in your effort.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer