You were at one time far away,
Caused by sin that made you stray;
But brought by the blood of Christ,
So no longer be enticed.
He is our salvation,
For building a foundation;
For peace in a partnership,
In a new citizenship.
In His body He has made,
Jew and non-Jew not afraid;
Stopping the hostility,
That causes iniquity.
Bitterness kept them apart,
But God gave them a new heart;
Brought an end to the demands,
Found through what Moses commands.
Commandments that Moses taught,
Ended through what the blood bought;
For Jew and non-Jew likewise,
No longer need to despise.
Jesus had suffered the loss,
To bring them back by His cross;
And kill the hostile manner,
As to fly a new banner.
Jesus came with the Good News,
The highway of peace to choose;
For those who were far away,
Or are near that gone astray.
So all had one way to go,
Through Jesus that they would know;
To the Father and Spirit,
Not merely on their merit.
No longer as outsiders,
Or foreigner backsliders;
But with a citizenship,
Of a Christian partnership.
For Christ is the cornerstone,
Where He is placing His throne;
Built on solid foundation,
That gives you a salvation.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer