Hard work and skilled effort,
Comes from pointless rivalry;
To see who is the expert,
That will expose devilry.
It is like catching the wind,
As a fool will fold his hands;
For he is not disciplined,
To the Lord and His commands.
One handful in having peace,
Better than with much labor;
Because the work will not cease,
With quietness to savor.
If you try to catch the wind,
Is pointless under the sun;
For the fact that you have sinned,
And confession never done.
There are people all alone,
That look for something pointless;
No children to call their own,
Or family God can bless.
No one to carry the name,
The family line will end;
No one able to proclaim,
Of a legacy to send.
There is no end to hard work,
No end to things we must do;
Not a benefit or perk,
Rewarded when you are through.
Your eyes are not satisfied,
Having no compensation;
But you should swallow your pride,
Think of your obligation.
Be obligated to God,
For working diligently;
Worship to honor and laud,
And intelligently.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer