I will continue to be glad,
For just one very good reason;
No longer a need to be sad,
Because of the joyous season.
I know that I will be set free,
Through your prayers as well as your aid;
Because of the insight you see,
With confidence and not afraid.
But the help comes from the Spirit,
Which is sent by our Lord Christ;
For helping in what you merit,
Keeping you from being enticed.
I eagerly expect and hope,
Having nothing to be ashamed;
From the ridicule that I cope,
With as much as I have proclaimed.
I will speak boldly with honor,
Christ is within now and always;
Think of me not as a goner,
I proceed to worship and praise.
No matter if I live or die,
Christ means everything to me;
And so He is the reason why,
I have a sound insight to see.
When I die I have even more,
As I say this with confidence;
For when Christ opens up the door,
And shows me the inheritance.
If I continue to live life,
My work will produce more results;
While coping in all the strife,
That comes through all of the insults.
I find it very hard to choose,
Do I leave this to be with Christ?
Or do I still spread the Good News?
Letting me become sacrificed.
I will leave it within His hands,
Which way will suit Him for the best;
Honoring God and His commands,
No matter what maybe the quest.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer