Because of the kindness,
That the Lord has shown me;
Pouring out blessedness,
Giving insight to see.
I ask you not to think,
Of yourselves as higher;
That could cause you to sink,
Being a defier.
Your thoughts should lead you in,
Using His influence;
That steers away from sin,
And building your defense.
God gave each believer,
A distinct task to do;
And as a receiver,
To perform with value.
One body under Christ,
Each with a distinct task;
Never to be enticed,
And not wearing a mask.
Your task may be to preach,
A gift to speak His Word;
Being able to teach,
Explaining what is heard.
With your faith that you say,
Coincides and agrees;
Never trying to stray,
From what the Lord decrees.
If your gift is to serve,
Devote yourself to it;
Do not try to conserve,
In all of your merit.
If it is for sharing,
Be lavish in giving;
Showing of your caring,
In continued living.
Be diligent to lead,
Show others what is good;
Helping them to succeed,
And doing what they should.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer