We must love one another,
Because all love comes from God;
Show your sister and brother,
How they should honor and laud.
Everyone who does love,
Has been born again from God;
Flowing from Heaven above,
To each of us who is flawed.
The person who does not love,
Neither knowing of the Lord;
For another god thereof,
They have worshipped and adored.
God has had shown us His love,
By sending His only Son;
So we could have life thereof,
Triumph over sin is won.
Not that we have loved the Lord,
His Son paid for our sin;
So let it not be ignored,
That it cleanses deep within.
If this is how God loved us,
We must then love each other;
Sharing all God gives as thus,
For peace with one another.
Nobody has ever seen,
But each one of us has heard;
For the love in us has been,
It is written in the Word.
His love has been perfected,
Because we live within Him;
If we have not rejected,
He gives us vigor and vim.
We have seen and testify,
The Father has sent His Son;
For if we do not deny,
Of salvation has been won.
As the Savior of the World,
Christ lives in those who declare;
The plan that God had unfurled,
His love all of us to share.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer