The message that you have heard,
From inception is to love;
Just as written in the Word,
As spoken by God above.
Never try to be like Cain,
He was a son of Satan;
Because his love was in vain,
God not able to straighten.
For he murdered his brother,
Since he was jealous with greed;
And God approves no other,
To be able to succeed.
Think not if the world hates you,
For we passed from death to life;
Love believers that are true,
Even in the midst of strife.
If you love not, you are dead,
And death will always bring hate;
If you hate then you are fed,
That will be sealing your fate.
We understand what is love,
Realizing what Jesus gave;
As He ascended above,
Being released from the grave.
So we must give our life,
For the other believers;
Protecting them from the strife,
So we can be receivers.
If another has a need,
Use your love by helping them;
Give them so they can succeed,
Even though others condemn.
Let us not love in the Word,
Just with our lips and tongue;
But distress calls that are heard,
But injury that has flung.
For love from the beginning,
Through actions that are sincere;
Will keep a person winning,
Eternal life persevere.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer