Jesus Christ is coming soon,
And He will bring His reward;
At the sign of the blood moon,
He will come as our Lord.
Rewards based as you have done,
Christ is the first and the end;
And the Father’s only Son,
Not just your Lord but your friend.
Bless all them who wash their clothes,
So that they may have the right;
For the tree of life they chose,
Through the gates within their sight.
Outside are the cats and dogs,
Sexual sinners and who lie;
Politicians that are hogs,
Deceiving the meek and shy.
Christ has sent His messenger,
To testify for the church;
And stopping the scavenger,
Like any vultures that perch.
A descendant of David,
And who is the morning star;
From the tomb who was lifted,
Carrying the human scar.
The Spirit and the bride say,
Let those who hunger and thirst;
Come let those who hear, obey,
Those who believe not be cursed.
I warn anyone who hears,
The prophecy in this book;
Blessing the one who reveres,
As they open it and look.
If someone adds anything,
God will strike them down with plagues;
A rare disease that would bring,
Infecting their arms and legs.
If anyone takes away,
Any words within this book;
Then they will be led astray,
To the place Satan will cook.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer