The body is all one,
And yet has many parts;
Doing what must be done,
The same each one imparts.
And so it is with Christ,
Baptized in the Spirit;
As each one sacrificed,
Their personal merit.
Whether Jewish or Greek,
We must take time to think;
About what we do seek,
By one Spirit we drink.
We are not just one part,
But made up of many;
Blood flows through just one heart,
So each part has plenty.
The eyes allow to see,
But they will never hear;
So each part has to be,
As that job for the ear.
The foot will let us walk,
As we hold with the hand;
And letting the mouth talk,
As the legs let us stand.
The nose will let us smell,
When there is danger near;
And the scent that is swell,
Aroma that is dear.
Nerves will say when we hurt,
The brain when we suffer;
Someone rude has been curt,
While times get tougher.
When we suffer God cares,
No parts are a factor;
Because of love He shares,
He is a reactor.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer
1 Corinthians 12:12-26