Oppression has been one of the biggest forms of earthly turmoil and trials since what seems like forever. It is my perception that until Jesus comes back, there will always be this unfortunate reality within the world as we know it. Oppression is described as prolonged cruelty and distress towards other people. It would seem like a person can’t turn in any direction anymore without seeing oppression taking place in one way or another in life.
Just turn on the news and you will see several stories that can be a product of oppression such as violent crimes, discrimination violations, and other various stories about people hurting people in other ways. In my perception, Christians approach the news in one of two ways; either they watch the news and pray for each and every story they hear of or they don’t watch the news at all because they can’t stand to see all the pain and suffering in the world.
The sad truth about anything featured on the news is that no matter what is occurring in the world, that there are Christians who are causing just as much if not more oppression in the world. Why you ask, because those religious Christians are all scripture talk and no relationship with Christ whatsoever seem to cast more judgment on people to the point where they are genuinely ashamed of being who they are to an even further point of hating themselves.
There are many religious Christians past, present, and future who genuinely believe that it is perfectly okay and Christ-like to continue to judge others based on their actions, lifestyles, or differences in religious beliefs each and every single day. Religious Christians erupt in masses of protests, outrage, and refuse to filter any hurtful opinions they may have towards others.
Perhaps, Christians who approach life this way do so because oppression is discussed in The Bible by God’s command. Maybe there is this thought that if God uses it to convict people, then it is okay for them to do so as well. In Judges 4:3 it talks about how God placed oppression on Israel because of the continuous evil they continued to deliberately disobey God. If this is the reason why oppression exists in Christianity, then unfortunately there remains a huge error that exists.
God saw all the sin that was taking place in the world and no matter how often He interceded in their lives, they still chose to disobey Him and continue on with the path they were on. So, God decided to give the world a beautiful gift that no other could ever compare to nor come close to being as grand. See what God did was, send His one and only Son Jesus Christ to have a miraculous birth, live a perfect and sinless life, be kind to everyone and heal the sick and hurt of their problems, and at an age where His life should have begun like most at His age- was brutally beaten, nailed to a cross, and displayed in full nude for the world to simply just watch Him die.
This horrible and painful death occurred because God saw the problems within humanity and decided that He loved His children so much that He wanted to proclaim His love and give people an outlet to achieve forgiveness in life so that they can have a relationship with their Father God. I’m not entirely sure but I am pretty sure that if God could provide forgiveness to His children in this (way which is everything that Jesus Christ stands for), then religious Christians who live their lives in an oppressive way could come to realize that maybe taking it upon themselves to judge others and give non believers a reason to further separate themselves from God and give them further reasons to not want to step foot in a church, should have a change of pace in their Christian walk.
Jesus Christ on the cross seems to be a rather “small detail” that religious Christians miss but sadly enough they do. It doesn’t set a great example for the Christians who are accepting of all people, love others because of who they are instead of focus on what they do that is wrong, and who simply focus on reaching souls to Jesus Christ. When the Christians who have relationships with Christ approach the world, often times doors are slammed in our faces because there are so many people (of the mass sizes) that have personally been effected or tormented by the individuals who consider themselves Christian and torment them with judgment.
It is not our role or place to put shame onto others and make them feel awful about themselves. Instead, God wants us to encourage others, to love on others the way He loves us, and to leave all the ridicule and conviction up to Him. It’s rather simple really yet so easy to forget. Christians need to do everything they can to prevent separation and division within humanity because of oppression. Christians must find courage, step out in obedience, be bold and strong, and proceed on with focusing on themselves and their own relationships with God in order to prevent harming or hindering others.