Do not brag of tomorrow,
Because you will never know;
About possible sorrow,
That another day may show.
Let another man praise you,
Rather than from your own lips;
For pride others might construe,
As the poison that one sips.
A rock is very heavy,
While sand does weigh a lot;
As pride will bring on envy,
From another that have not.
It annoys a stubborn fool,
Who is heavier than both;
And willing to break a rule,
For greed is making them loath.
Anger can be very cruel,
Fury is overwhelming;
Through jealousy of a fool,
While tempers start steaming.
Better is open rebuke,
Than a love that is hidden;
It could be gobbledygook,
And considered forbidden.
Wounds that were made by a friend,
Are intended to give aid;
They are not made to offend,
Nor to make you feel afraid.
Any kisses from a foe,
Are really too much to bear;
Because you never do know,
Just how you should then prepare.
When full you despise honey,
Starvation makes food tastes sweet;
As long as you have money,
For getting enough to eat.
As a bird strays from its nest,
Like a man who strays from home;
Must explore just what is best,
In ways to no longer roam.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer