I want to live an abundant life with God in every corner. So far I have Him in my life, my work life, and my soon to be marriage. I am currently working on bringing God into my life. Of course I try to surround my children with God, but what I am learning is that it is simply not enough. I must refrain from the idea that my kids will learn about who God is all on their own because that is not how it works.
Eventually my kids will grow up and will have the epiphany that their momma surrounded their lives with God. However, they will not be able to firmly attest that she actually introduced them to Him. As a parent, this really disappoints me because I really desire to have my children know who God is. My son is far too young to really grasp it right now, but my daughter is fully capable of talking about God and at least understanding the basics for her age.
I become disappointed because I am constantly working in order to provide for my family. Although I am home working as a writer full time, I still find myself allowing a lot of time and opportunities of teaching my kids about God slip on by. God should be the first thing on my mind (which he is) in the mornings, but I also need to teach my children that He should be the first thing on their minds too.
Being a parent is truly rough. You have this assumption that their well-being is the most important thing in the world. Because of it you are quick to jump when your children wake up and are hungry, you jump when they begin to fight, and you leave the rest of the day to them entertaining themselves with toys, each other, and screen time in order for you to get your work done.
As a parent you contemplate of whether you should work full time at night or should just condense your work obligations to a couple of hours a day and sincerely make time for your children? For me this is very much where I am disappointed in when it comes to my relationship with God. It’s because I don’t feel that I am doing a good job of leading my kids to Him and allowing them to have their own relationship with The Father.
It is something that I pray for clarity in and also know that I couldn’t possibly be my own. Being a parent is rough, being a working at home parent is rough, and working where you are in a position to be away from your kids is really rough. So eventually you just have to take what the world throws at you and do what you can.
I certainly can’t be alone in this and I pray that any parent who struggles in this avenue of life allows themselves to be lead to not feeling shame or guilt for this and instead clings to God for answers and guidance. He will guide you in the right direction; you simply have to just let Him