By faith we have His approval,
Because of what the Lord has done;
Through iniquity removal,
The Father blesses through the Son.
For we now have the peace with God,
And through Christ we can approach Him;
Joyfully we honor and laud,
Always cheerful not feeling grim.
So we brag for the confidence,
For the glory from God received;
Remaining in obedience,
For the hope and trust we believed.
We also brag of suffering,
Suffering creates endurance;
Since Christ is our buffering,
Giving us the perseverance.
Confidence we are not ashamed,
God has poured love into your heart;
That is why we have still proclaimed,
For His Spirit does not depart.
Looking at it at the right time,
And while we had been so weak;
With an ungodly quest in crime,
An immoral life did I seek.
Christ died for ungodly people,
To die for godly men is rare;
Those who believe in the Gospel,
Also have compassion to share.
Christ died when we were still sinners,
Which demonstrates His love for us;
For victory being winners,
And commending His love as thus.
Since the blood of Christ is given,
It is flowing down our path;
Bridging the gap up to Heaven,
And is sparing us from His wrath.
The death of His Son had restored,
A harmonized relationship;
Let us to be in one accord,
Able to grasp a renewed grip.
Taking the life of His Son saves,
Our life for an eternity,
No longer rotting in the graves,
Rather Heaven eternally.
Copyright © 2017 Richard Newton Sherrer