What can we say about someone?
If the Lord is supporting us;
Together with the Father and Son,
Should we then be raising a fuss?
Who then can ever be against,
Through His Spirit we have support;
Although emotions will be tensed,
On that day you appear in court.
God did not spare His only Son,
But handed Him over to death;
For us that the battle is won,
Giving His everlasting breath.
God will give us everything,
Along with Christ to inherit;
For the righteousness it will bring,
But not merely on your merit.
Who can accuse those God chose,
Through Christ God has approved of them;
For unto them, His blessing flows,
While others He will condemn.
Christ had died and brought back to life,
And has the highest position;
Even though we have so much strife,
In Heaven no opposition.
No opposition meaning peace,
For Christ also intercedes;
As all hostilities will cease,
For all abiding by His creeds.
Can all your trouble cause distress,
For danger to hunger and thirst;
And can He clothe your nakedness,
If feelings separates us first.
Violent death will block His love,
As we are slaughtered all day long;
But the shepherd from up above,
Will keep His sheep healthy and strong.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer