When you love Jesus a lot, one of the worst trials that you can endure is a spiritual attack. All of a sudden you can have a bad or blasphemous thoughts that seems to come from nowhere, or some people can even have awful images, or voices. You are so shocked that you fight against them, but instead they get stronger, and seem to go round and round your head. Instead rebuke them in the name of the Lord Jesus, abandon them to the Lord and ignore them. Believe that the power in your heart is greater than what you are hearing see 1 John 4:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. The Lord knows the truth of how you love Him and you will be set free as seen in John 8:32 (KJV) – And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
A lot of people are assailed by thoughts, which are sometimes positive and sometimes negative. When you have negative thoughts it is very important to ask yourself where do these thoughts come from? As the Bible tells us to make every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, we usually find that if they are negative they are usually an attack from the devil seeking to condemn us. You have two choices, either you listen to the devil’s lies because he is the father of all lies as stated in John 8:44, or you listen to Jesus Christ and abandon yourself totally to Him, and ask Him to fight them for you, and ask the Lord to help you ignore the attack.
Talk to Jesus and tell Him how it makes you feel awful and ask Him how He felt when He was tempted by the devil in the desert as seen in Matthew 4: 11. Listen quietly to His instructions and obey them. Tell Jesus that you love Him and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in your affliction. Ask Jesus Christ to reign supremely in your heart and take control of your mind, your thoughts and feelings, and to purify you and make you holy and tell him “Jesus I love you and trust you”.
Once you love Jesus Christ and are in His hands, no one can take you out of His hands as seen in John 10:28 (KJV) 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
Don’t depend on your feelings, but believe the promises of God. Once you are saved, it is forever because Jesus tells the truth. Once you believe you become a child of God as seen in John 1:12 Strive to do God’s will and co-operate with the Holy Spirit to prove that you belong to the Lord.
I found it very strange that while I was praying there was a bad thought and was puzzled that there could be two thoughts at the same time. I realized that we have two voices that can occur at the same time, one in the heart and one in the head. When that happens the evil one tries to make the mind become sick by repeating on and on a bad word, so that you can’t seem to get rid of it. I realized that to break the cycle, the mind needed healing. I therefore told Jesus that I loved Him with my whole heart and at the same time I spoke in tongues. That quietened the mind and enabled God to heal me and soon afterwards the spiritual attacks stopped. The Lord delivered me as seen in Psalm 37: 40 – And the Lord shall help them; and deliver them.
Someone had evil images and I told him that they were in his mind and if it worked with my thoughts I believed that the same principle would work with his images. I therefore told him that while the images were going on in his mind to visualize Jesus shedding his rays to extinguish the images. He did that and they went away. He trusted the Lord as seen in Jeremiah 17:7King James Version (KJV)7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.
I therefore believe that if anyone hears negative voices that person should try to focus on praising God with either their heart or aloud if possible, and abandon themselves to Jesus Christ and trust in him. I believe that it will stop the spiritual attack, and the person will have peace because Jesus Christ has the victory. Please see the following prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
Please help me to conquer this spiritual attack. I love you and trust you to help me. Please reign supremely in my heart and take full control of my mind, my thoughts and feelings and purify me and make me whole. Fill me with your peace until I am relaxed deeper and deeper. Help me to live my life as a prayer of adoration for you serving your people, with love and respect and worship you saying, “Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever! Amen.” (See Revelations 7: 12)
Repeat that prayer as many times as you need to until you feel at peace. Remember that God is much stronger than the devil, and that Jesus Christ has conquered sin for you. Sing hymns of worship because the evil one hates you praising God and it will enable you to feel more at peace. Don’t let the evil one make you feel that you are no good and doubt your salvation but completely let go to Jesus Christ and trust him.
Written by Marie-Hélène and Dominic Bradshaw