I consider all sufferings,
Insignificant as compared;
To the glory Jesus Christ brings,
As revealed that will be soon shared.
All creation eagerly waits,
For God to finally reveal;
While each one anticipates,
Desiring of the real deal.
Creation was subjected to,
Frustration but not by its choice;
Affected with frustration through,
The faith and hope in His soft voice.
It would be free from slavery,
To decay in order to share;
Glorious freedom through bravery,
With the love showing God does care.
We know that all of creation,
Has been groaning with birth pains;
And start building a foundation.
With Jesus Christ taking the reigns.
Not only does creation groan,
We have His Spirit as a gift;
When God is hearing your heart moan,
His Spirit comes for to uplift.
We groan as we eagerly wait,
Freeing our bodies from sin;
The chance for going through the gate,
Once He had purified within.
We were saved with this hope in mind,
Hope for something that we could be;
Because God is gentle and kind,
For it is not hope, that we see.
Who would hope for what can be seen?
What we do not see, we would hope;
And hoping not for what has been,
But perseverance what we cope.
His Spirit delivers confidence,
Helping us out when we are weak;
Strengthening for our defense,
In areas that we may seek.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer