(i) “Bone of bones and flesh of my flesh.”
WHEN God made the woman , He made her out of the man taking out one of the ribs nearest the heart and made this remark of a wonderful truth and he called her “Woman”. The original Heb. Word is “is” for man and “issa” for woman . She is called “issa” for she was taken out of the man.
There is an apt saying,
“God did not take woman from man’s head to rule him,
Nor from his feet to be trampled upon;
But from near his heart to be loved by him,
From under his arm to be protected by him,
And from his side to walk beside him.” #
The phrase ,”Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh “ does not speak of two different bodies made one but one body made two for each other in perfect unison to be loved and to be protected.
(ii)”Leave and cleave”
The term “shall leave and cleave” strongly implies that the union of husband and wife to be life long, even eternal . Jesus Himself said, “What therefore God hath joined together , let not man put asunder “ Math.19:6
There is a mystical union of two bodies and two souls with love and care never to be parted again . The Heb. Meaning for the word “Cleave” is to stick to or to be glued together which cannot be separated again . Trying to separate them will mean tearing them down (hurt) from head to toes like two pieces of paper.
(iii) “Shall be one flesh”
This is indeed a great mystery. Jesus also said,
“Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh” Math 19:6
Paul also elevated the concept of this mystical union in Eph.5:31,“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.”
This term “ONE FLESH” does not mean simply a physical union of two bodies but it means much more than that. It means also a spiritual entity. The body, the soul and the spirit must come together. It means that the two persons share everything they have, their body, their possessions, their feelings, their joys, their sorrows, their sufferings, their hopes etc. There is no authority under heaven to break this oneness in marriage. Because, this is God’s order. Divorce will never bring peace. It is outside God’s will. Paul has further elevated this theme of mystical union to its highest level when he compares this mystery to the relationship of believers with Christ. In one place he says,”for we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones,” Eph5:30 cf Gen2:23
On the other hand, Christ is the bridegroom and joined Himself to His Church, the bride and they become one to enjoy the highest spiritual communion. Paul calls this union a great mystery,
“This is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the Church” Eph 5:32
The man as a loving husband should reflect the unselfish and sacrificial attitudes of Christ become the “head of the wife” giving her security and protection , love and care. Thus a Christian home is a heavenly home. Through our earthly home one should see the glimpses of the treasure of heaven. But the true treasure of life can only be found in our relationship with God. And it is through a family that God is willing to build this divine relationship.