Shout happily to the Lord,
As you make a joyful noise;
And He is loved and adored,
Conform to what He enjoys.
Joyful noise in all the land,
From high in the mountain top;
To the beaches made of sand,
Joyful songs that never stop.
Serve with gladness in your praise,
In His presence as you sing;
Shouting out with hands you raise,
Proclaim God as Lord and King.
Realize that the Lord is God,
Know He is the One and only;
Worship through honor and laud,
Being sacred and holy.
Onto us God has given,
And nothing is more awesome;
Than galleries from Heaven,
In saying you are welcome.
Because of Him we are made,
And to Him we do belong;
We must fear but not afraid,
By keeping our faith strong.
We are His sheep in His care,
The people within His flock;
In this life to whom we share,
Our faith a solid rock.
He is the gate with the key,
Enter it with thanksgiving;
Into Heaven as we see,
Our eternal living.
Enter into His courtyard,
Songs of praise as you will sing;
Joined by angels standing guard,
A pleasure to God you bring.
The Lord has been very good,
Mercy endures forever;
Lovingly compassion should,
Permanent and not sever.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer