We all know of the songs “Jesus Loves the Little Children” and “Jesus Loves Me This I Know” from our childhood. We hear the songs and can perhaps sing it by memory yet we all have those moments in our lives where we separate from God. We become consumed with life and being a teenager and quickly learn how rough life truly is.
In high school we deal with bullies, family problems, and we become more aware of what takes place out in the world that our parents once protected us from. We become consumed over who we are, how we dress, and what we look like. There is also this obsession over music artists, entertainment gurus, and other trends that gain all of our focus.
We grow up, graduate from high school and then proceed to enter college. We spend four years away from home learning how to make it in the world. We quickly learn how to make ends meat and sometimes it’s not always in the most righteous or moral of ways. We are taught that a cultural right of passage is to go out, have physical interactions with all kinds of people, and explore our options. We are taught to make illegal choices and are encouraged to think it is just the way it is in life.
College ends, you meet your life partner, get married and have children. Your life becomes consumed with your marriage, your job, and your children. Yet, something is always missing, God.
The truth is that we are really no different than the people of Israel at this time. They were worshipping other gods and they were separated from God because of it. When we turn our time, energy, and full attention away from God, we enter a world of worship towards that particular figure in our lives.
Samuel shows us that if we want a relationship with The Lord, then we must turn our focus away from those things and specifically turn our eyes and worship to our God. We must serve Him instead of serving those things in our lives that cause us to separate from Him, even the things like family that seems harmless.
Life is tough, it simply just is; but we need to reach a point as a Christian culture where we encourage others to turn their full attention to God and learn to serve Him because He will provide favor in their lives. We were created to serve God not man, and it’s very easy to forget. So let us pray that we become a generation that remembers this tidbit of information as well as teaches us to future generations so this world can reach the goal of not being turned away from The Lord.
For those people in our lives that are consumed with other peoples, idols, and deities, we need to step out in faith and be that Samuel in their lives. By our confidence and courage, we can step towards them with this particular passage to show them that in order to get out of your situation, you must stop worshipping whatever it is and focus on serving God. When we can support and love those around us who’s attention is not on The Lord, we can bless them by encouraging them to reunite with the Lord, and that is a very beautiful thing.