The end of all we know is near,
That many nonbelievers fear;
Because their faith is next to nil,
Nothing there for them to instill.
The end of it all is at hand,
And those standing on sinking sand;
Will find themselves fading away,
In the direction that they stray.
The finish of everything,
Means that the fat lady will sing;
Because plans from God did arrange,
In a manner that cannot change.
Therefore practice a self-control,
Because of your gifts that your soul;
Bring peace to both your heart and mind,
So that you will be humble and kind.
Keep your mind clear so you can pray,
Resisting temptation to stray;
Continue to love each other,
As being sister and brother.
Because love covers many sin,
And builds spiritual discipline;
Welcome each other as a guest,
Rest assured that you will be blest.
Be a manager with the gift,
Serving others as to uplift;
All the gifts that God has given,
Unto you from up in Heaven.
A gift that speaks the Word of God,
A gift that will honor and laud;
A gift that serves to give you strength,
For persevering at any length.
For God receives glory through Christ,
Each time you have been sacrificed;
Sacrificed to lift God up high,
Remembering that the end is nigh.
Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer