You must serve each other,
Showing humility;
Submit to your brother,
But keep your dignity.
God opposes the proud,
But favors the humble;
Never try to be loud,
Or restless to grumble.
Be humbled by His might,
So He will honor you;
When the time becomes right,
And reveals what is true.
Turn your anxiety,
Over to our Lord;
Confess iniquity,
Show that He is adored.
Always keep your mind clear,
As you watch be alert;
For temptation is near,
And you must try to divert.
Your foe is the devil,
Who prowls like a lion;
And conceives with evil,
Nothing to rely on.
Be firm as you resist,
For he will devour;
As temptations persist,
Submit not or cower.
Know other believers,
Through out the whole world;
Are also receivers,
Whose plans have unfurled.
God shows you His kindness,
As the God of all grace;
So see through your blindness,
That He wants to embrace.
Through Christ He will restore,
Willing to make you strong;
With power in your core,
Helping you get along.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer