Jesus Christ makes people holy,
And so we have the same Father;
Being as the one and only,
As well as being your Brother.
So He will never be ashamed,
Calling you His sisters and brothers;
After you have praised and proclaimed,
Having one God and no others.
He will tell others of your name,
And will praise you within the fold;
Then when the Holy Spirit came,
Putting iniquities on hold.
Christ will put His trust into you,
When you put your faith within Him;
As you promise to remain true,
He will not let you become grim.
He is here for sons and daughters,
That God the Father has given;
Of those baptized in the waters,
For escorting up to Heaven.
Because we are all flesh and blood,
Jesus Christ took on the same form;
But deflected the sinful crud,
That is corrupting our norm.
He did this so that by dying,
And destroy the one with power;
Over the evil and lying,
During our darkest hour.
So He would free those who were slaves,
Everyone who was afraid;
And would be rescued from the graves,
That had repented when they prayed.
Wherefore it behooved Him all things,
That He might become merciful;
And a faithful high priest that brings,
Showing what makes life beautiful.
C Copyright © 2015 Richard Newton Sherrer