I am making it known to you,
The Good News already as told;
Which is entirely all true,
Exactly how it did unfold.
For this is what your faith is based,
On the premise you have received;
With the suffering you have faced,
In all of which you have believed.
You are then saved by this Gospel,
If you hold on to this doctrine;
That I taught to all the people,
Through a spiritual discipline.
Unless you believe and no doubt,
Without having a second thought;
You understand fully about,
No further answers will be sought.
Christ died to take away all sin.
Just as the Scriptures predicted;
His Spirit will then cleanse within,
To cure the body infected.
His birth came from a human womb,
For thirty three years come what may;
When Christ died was put in a tomb,
Brought back to life on the third day.
I am like a fetus unborn,
Who had been given a new life;
And given the chance to sojourn,
As I burden toils and strife.
The kindness of God has made me,
Of just the way I am today;
His kindness gave insight to see,
As I merely trust and obey.
So I work harder than others,
But it was not I who did it;
To excel over my brothers,
His kindness gave me the merit.
Whether I or another one,
This is the message that I brought;
Always remember of the Son,
And what His body and blood bought.
C Copyright © 2016 Richard Newton Sherrer